March’s Newsletter!
March is here! Hurray!!!
It’s been warm and sunny here in Southern Vermont! The birds are reappearing. This week I saw several robins singing their spring song, the woods are full of nuthatches and chickadees and other little brown birds of assorted types, and we saw 6 vultures circling overhead, coming to roost in the woods by our house where they reside all Summer and Fall. I think it’s safe to say that Spring is Coming!!!
Without further ado, here are March’s Fan Club and LYS Exclusive Club Colors!
March Fan Club
Winter Heath
Dyed in our Pop of Color Method
Want to join the fun and help choose and design a colorway every month? Join Fan Club HERE!
April (Fools!) LYS Club colors
Let your favorite LYS know if you are interested in any of these mythical colors! Shops will have until March 31 to place their orders. Click HERE for a list of participating shops.
Monica MacNeille