February’s Newsletter!

Happy February everyone!!!

Here are February’s LYS Club colors! You can purchase these from any of our LYSs! For a list of shops that carry our yarn, please visit https://www.roundmountainfibers.com/local-yarn-shops.

February’s Fan Club:

Cardinals in the Snow

Want to help design a new colorway each month? Join Fan Club HERE!

Treat yourself to a Mystery Bundle at www.roundmountainfibers.com/sale. When ordering mystery bundles, you can list colors you don’t like, colors you DO like, etc. in the drop-down form. We obviously cannot guarantee you will receive exactly what you request, but we will do our best! Here are a few mystery bundles as examples, and a photo of the form:

That’s all for now! Thank you all for commenting and engaging with us on social media. Every time you engage with our posts it helps more people see our work. So thank you for spreading the word! Remember, if you can help us connect with an LYS, we’ll send you FREE Thank You yarn! So please feel free to tell your local yarn shop about us, and to share our posts on your socials.

Thank you!


Monica MacNeille

(Owner/Dyer at Round Mountain Fibers)


March’s Newsletter!


January’s Newsletter!