June 2019 Newsletter!
Dearest Round Mountain Fiber Fans,
I know I always say this… but there is a lot in the works for these coming months!
The TNNA Summer Trade show is fast approaching. For those of you who are not familiar, it is a giant wholesale needle arts trade show, where people like us display our work, and LYSs owners come and check out what’s new and place orders for the coming fall. It’s a time for us to bring out new products and fine tune our offerings.
Our goal is to offer you, the end consumer, as many different colors and bases as possible, while keeping it manageable for Willow and I. Here’s what’s in the works:
A New Base!
We love our Spruce Fingering base, and we know you do too. It’s springy and durable and has incredible stitch definition, due to the high twist. But many of you have asked us to add a softer fingering weight yarn, and many of you would like a little nylon for socks. So here it is! A new super-soft fingering weight base we’re calling Alder! Alder is 80% Superwash Merino, 20% Nylon, spun in Canada from Merino from Australia and New Zealand. We’re super excited about this base, and we know you’ll love it!
Our new base Alder Fingering in July’s Aquatic Club colorway ‘Nudibranch Cristada’.
Aquatic as a new Collection!
Our Aquatic Club has been a huge hit, so we have decided to add an Aquatic line to our regular lineup in time for the Summer TNNA show! We are adding 6 Aquatic Colorways and 6 Coordinating Pooling Semisolids to our collection. Yes, it includes the Rainbow Trout! So don’t worry if those sold out at your LYS before you had a chance to get some. They’ll be coming soon to an LYS near you!
Top Row (left to right): Necklace Starfish, Pumpkinseed, and King Angelfish. Bottom Row (left to right): Blue Spotted Salamander, Painted Ghost Crab, and Rainbow Trout.
Top Row (left to right): Starfish Red, Moss, and Angelfish Blue. Bottom Row (left to right): Trout Green, Ghost Crab Gray, and Pumpkinseed Orange.
New Aquatic Coordinated Bundles!
New Walk on the Beach bundles!
A couple additions to our Entomology Collection!
I like tidy round numbers, so we’ve rounded up our Entomology collection to include 12 Colorways and 12 Coordinating Semisolids. Please welcome these two very popular Club Colorways and coordinating semisolids to our regular lineup: Red Bordered Stink Bug and coordinating semisolid Stink Bug Legs, and Juniper Hairstreak and coordinating semisolid Hairstreak Green.
Changes in our Ornithology Collection!
In order to keep offering you hundreds of colors and coordinating semisolids, we’ve broken our colors down into three categories: Stock options, Dye-to-Order and Club. We chose 12 of our favorite Ornithology Colorways and Coordinating semisolids to offer as stock colors. These 24 colors will be available to your LYS in all our bases. The remaining Ornithology colorways and semisolids are still available as Dye-to-Order, with a minimum skein quantity of 10. So if you don’t see your favorite in this lineup, make sure you ask your LYS to special order it! Shops can also special order old Club colorways and coordinating semisolids (6 months after they are initially released). We’ve been doing Club for 3 years now, so there are now hundreds of color options available to your LYSs for custom order!
Here are our Stock Colors and our new Coordinating Bundles and Birds of a Feather bundles:
New Ornithology Coordinated Bundles!
New Birds of a Feather bundle!
Club is now shipping out on the 1st of the month rather than the 15th, so you’ll be able to get your brand new Club colorways and coordinating Semisolids sooner at your local LYS! For a list of shops that subscribe to Club please visit https://roundmountainfibers.com/wheretobuy .
Given the crazyness of TNNA, we are going to be dyeing one month of club directly after the other. So here are TWO months of Club! The first set shipped out on June 1st, the second will ship out July 1st!
June’s CLUB:
June Ornithology Club. Colorway: Lilac Breasted Roller. Semisolid: Roller Lilac.
June Entomology Club. Colorway: Picasso Bug. Semisolid: Picasso Bug Blue.
June Botany Club. Colorway: Wild Strawberry. Semisolid: Strawberry Red.
June Aquatic Club. Colorway: Necklace Starfish. Semisolid: Starfish Red.
July Ornithology Club. Colorway: Gouldian Finch. Semisolid: Finch Yellow.
July Entomology Club. Colorway: Rainbow Shield Bug. Semisolid: Shield Bug Legs.
July Botany Club. Colorway: River Birch. Semisolid: Birch Brown.
July Aquatic Club. Colorway: Nudibranch Cristada. Semisolid: Nudibranch Blue.
So that’s what’s new here at Round Mountain Fibers!
Please be patient with us and our LYSs in the coming months as we expect a flurry of orders at TNNA and an increase in club orders. Our promised delivery to our LYSs will continue to be 4-6 weeks. Please expect orders to arrive closer to the 6-week mark as we get through this very busy time!
Monica and Willow
Round Mountain Fibers