August Newsletter!
Happy August!!!
Did you know that as of right this minute, we offer 584 different colors for sale on our website? I know!!! We just counted. 🙂
Plus, every month we offer a brand new LYS exclusive colorway and coordinating colorway in 7 COLLECTIONS, plus an Island Fundraiser Colorway and coordinating semisolid AND a Fan Club colorway and coordinating semisolid making a total of 18 New colors EVERY MONTH! That’s right! I am so grateful for my team of brilliant, fun and hard-working women who work very hard alongside me to make this happen!
If you think we’re pretty cool and you love our colorways and super soft bases, then please make sure you spread the word to your crafting friends and favorite local yarn shops by sharing our social media posts, and tagging them (or us) when you do! We are so proud of our work, and want to continue to share it with as many people as possible. Also, if you made something using our yarn and you’re proud of it and want us to share it, feel free to send us photos via email and we’ll share them on our pages! You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram by clicking here for FB and here for IG. You may want to follow us on both as I do post extra content (flash sales etc.) on Facebook or Instagram that I don’t post on the other.
Island Fundraiser
So far this year we’ve donated a combined $735 to the following charities: Island Village Childcare, Vinalhaven Eldercare, Vinalhaven Historical Society, Vinalhaven Community Outreach, The Island Institute and Island Community Medical Services!
This month I want to point a spotlight at Molly, who is newest to the team. She’s taken to dyeing very quickly, and designed this month’s Island Fundraiser colorway and coordinating semisolid! I think she did a fantastic job interpreting this beautiful crab shell I found on the beach. 50% of the proceeds from this colorway and coordinating semisolid will go to Island Community Medical Services, providing physical and mental health services to the island community. This color pairing is only available for the month of August so please shop HERE.
Crab Shell on the Beach and Crab Shell Peach
Fan Club
This month’s Fan Club colors are inspired by Common Guillemot Eggs. The Coordinating semisolid is called ‘Egg Speckle Brown’. While it’s too late to purchase this month’s pairing directly from us, you CAN get it from Yarn Bar so reach out to them if you want these colors!
This colorway is dyed in a modified version of our Nebula Method, where we dyed one side of the skein fading from pale blue to white, and speckled the other side with browns and black!
Common Guillemot Eggs and Egg Speckle Brown
LYS Exclusive Clubs
We now have SEVEN LYS Exclusive clubs! Ornithology, Entomology, Botany, Aquatic, Geology, Herpetology, and our newest, Mammalogy! Here are August’s LYS Exclusive Clubs along with a quick description of the dye method used in each collection. These dye method notes are true for our regular collections as well as our LYS Exclusive Clubs.
August’s LYS Exclusive Ornithology Club:
Knobbed Hornbill and Hornbill Buff
Ornithology Dye Method Notes:
Colorway: Pooling and Striping, can range in shade from neutrals to jewel tones to neons.
Semisolid: Semisolid, consistent throughout the skein.
August’s LYS Exclusive Entomology Club:
Rainbow Scarab and Scarab Green
Entomology Dye Method Notes:
Colorway: Also Pooling and Striping, usually featuring high contrast colors or bold colors.
Semisolid: Semisolid, consistent throughout the skein.
August’s LYS Exclusive Botany Club:
Hemp Blossom and Hemp Blossom Purple
Botany Dye Method Notes:
Colorway: Dyed in our variegated method, to give a mottled effect that will not pool or stripe.
Semisolid: Semisolid, consistent throughout the skein.
August’s LYS Exclusive Aquatic Club:
Whale Shark and Whale Shark Belly
Aquatic Dye Method Notes:
Colorway: Pooling/Striping and typically featuring speckles!
Semisolid: Dyed in a Tonal method, where the color shifts in saturation along the length of the skein.
August’s LYS Exclusive Geology Club:
Pictured Rocks (Michigan) and Lake Water
Geology Dye Method Notes:
Colorway: Perfect for assigned pooling, these colorways feature a pop of color at one end of the skein.
Semisolid: Dyed in a Tonal method, where the color shifts in saturation along the length of the skein.
August’s LYS Exclusive Herpetology Club:
Green Anole and Anole Green
Herpetology Dye Method Notes:
Colorway: Featuring our Nebula method (one side of the skein is a semisolid, the other has pooling/striping colors and often speckles!)
Semisolid: Dyed in a Tonal method, where the color shifts in saturation along the length of the skein.
August’s LYS Exclusive Mammalogy Club:
Raccoon and Raccoon Belly
Mammalogy Dye Method Notes:
Colorway: Dyed in our Watercolor method where we pour the dye over the yarn in a series of pours, leading to a less predictable but super rich and more interesting effect than any of our other methods.
Semisolid: Tonal, shifting in saturation along the length of the skein.
For examples of the different methods visit our Dye Methods Page, HERE.
Mystery Bundles
Don’t forget, we offer mystery bundles in the color family and base of your choosing, ALWAYS 50% off, at Our mystery bins are full to overflowing with gorgeous colors! Treat yourself today!
And that is the news from Round Mountain Fibers! Thank you for your support!
Monica MacNeille
Round Mountain Fibers